
还是不知道我干啥的?咳,我就是一小混魂,I have nothing to show off and nothing to lose…Now you got me? :mrgreen: Ik hoop u nu begrijpt… :roll:

以下是引用sheepo在2007-9-12 12:10:00的发言:
油菜恬心 妹妹,我要是简历按这样结构写的话,肯定要超过1页了,个人见解:不同行业简历要求不同,但是突出重点很重要,关键不是多,而是别人需要的skills,degree or work experience有写到就ok啦。



不过我的简历是2页,而且是突出responsibilities and roles,list的很general, for example:

- Participated in project bids and delivered presentations to potential clients.
Trained clients (4~20 people per group) on applications developed by xxx
- Assisted other teams with data preparation requests to support software implementation
- Provided colleagues (account managers, project managers, sales, developers and analysts) with various approaches and innovative yet justifiable solutions for solving problems and cutting costs.
- Involved in preparing for application manual and documentation, design reports and process flow diagrams.
- Performed QA/QC of implemented applications and/or other project deliverables.
- …

And those were some of my tasks for the most recent position that I held…

我的简历没根据job posting去改,不过我的cover letter或者email content有时候会稍微

有些变化,后来发现我的简历太笼统,没有touch what exactly I did, 所以我昨天加上了这句话(差点儿就超出2页了,所以格式上还变了一下):

NOTE: Relevant references and project related accomplishments with objective measurements are available upon request.

我觉得版上作过HR的肯定更有看法,不过很多recruiter都给我打电话顺便说我的简历挺好…但愿吧,我还没拿到fianl offer呢 :wink: