November 12th, 2004Short trip to HK(4)

Okay, here are more about those days in HK.
Good morning, HK island

Star Ferry goes between 尖沙嘴和会展中心

Seems relating anything with US is still a powerful maketing strategry. ...

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November 12th, 2004Short trip to HK(3)

Humm…the pictures were cropped into half. Let me try again.
At San Francisco airport. Waiting for transferring…

Have to transfer for the 2nd time at Narita airport.
" ...

1090 次点击    关键字: none

November 12th, 2004Short trip to HongKong (2)

I feel so guilty to you. Feel that I own you something….yes, my promise to come back to finish the journey.
Have been busying with works since. Well, the hark part is 阶级斗争。We are new comers in this" ...

1268 次点击    关键字: none

November 4th, 2004Short trip to Hong Kong

Traveled to Hong Kong and Taipei last month for two trade shows. But had to face with piled up works after back to the States. As my lovely dog pees everwhere he goes,  I also leave a mar" ...

1140 次点击    关键字: none

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